Galerie Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico


Cortex Athletico is a structure founded in 2003 in Bordeaux for the production of artworks. In 2006, this association becomes a gallery and starts supporting the work of artists in an international requirement, from Bordeaux. The question of this regional geography has always been one of the subjects of reflection of the staff, considering that the margin is sometimes more creatively incubative that the centre.

A large number of collaborative projects were imagined in the gallery while meeting other closely related disciplines (dance, theatre, music, performance...); or specific and parallel programs such as China Girl (artist's films) or the archives of Rolf Julius.

The gallery Cortex Athletico installs a secondary space in Paris in 2013, then in 2015 moves to a new location. In order to concentrate on this ambitious project, the structure in Bordeaux closes for good. To reinforce its development, the graphic image of the gallery evolves and it changes its name to become eventually Galerie Thomas Bernard.

The gallery is a member of CPGA (Comité Professionnel des Galeries d'Art).