Jean Paul Thibeau - Méta-activités in situ

For the launch of the website DDAA, 7 places of contemporary art in Bordeaux collaborate with Documents d'artistes Auitaine to exhibit works of the artists participating to the website from January the 26th until March the 18th 2012.

On a principal of a twinning one artist / one place, les 6 first file of the website will be presented in 5 places, with a selection of un published documents on one or several projects of the artists.


On this occasion, the gallery Cortex Athletico presents the work of Jean-Paul Thibeau from the 2nd until the 8th of February 2012.


The meetings of DDAA at the Cultural Institute Bernard Magrez, in February and March.

During February and March 2012, weekly meetings will be organized with the artists participating to Documents d'artistes Aquitaine at the Cultural Institute Bernard Magrez at Château Labottière on the occasion of the support provided by the Cultural Institute Benrad MAgrez to the launch of Document d'artistes Aquitaine.


Jean-Paul Thibeau - 03/02/2012