Liudvikas Buklys - Rolling holders and windows

Rolling holders and windows = a solo exhibition by Liudvikas Buklys = an articulated grouping of materials---a campsite for ideas. At its centre, a veneered MDF bench offers a central posture.
If it's a bench at all, it's one whose specifics were pre-determined by a horticultural set of dimensions (though their parameters have been withdrawn from the decor). It's a hard-edged reference point, but its horizontal lines extend beyond their visible termination, towards three other objects, which suspend here, there, and there---sails for trapping air and extending certain thought vectors. Productive blockades, shelters. Or, hanging at the hard edge a bit longer---at the periphery, the visible margins, the sharp dissolve---they may also be three parachutes for weathering the drop.
There's a corner too. Dislocated somewhere, it's been tipped---a holder for holding onto shapes. A tool for overlaid comparisons, for scale. As spatially positive as negative.

From another angle, the triumvirate could be screens. If so, they aren't as far from the plasma as they've been pitched. Joining in, congealing, implicitly instructive, demonstratively embodied, operable, taken independently or filtered through each other, they offer well over three new sight lines---23 frames cropping further into rolling hills photographically excised from a Lithuanian warehouse. Raw material. Potential. A point-blank slideshow. One fixation after another, their agglomerated vistas slide in a muted choreography. The tags suggest something sartorial, and trade their generic attributive function for another.
Tent material and flexi-windows---neither the stretchers nor the stretched is leather, yet all three could double as shields warding off the elements. When campers swaddle in portable cocoons, vision is occluded by meteorological necessity, but other senses still permeate. Of course, this traversal is not without its abstraction. If that's how Rolling holders and windows operates, then the MDF bench gains another function---fibrous, but exceeding medium density.
Rolling holders and windows is a shape-builder. And the shapes persist; arcs, triangles,
parallelograms, rectangles, folds and rolls, an invisible lattice of dotted lines---they'll continue on for a long time, and well beyond the designated exhibition space.


Chris Fitzpatrick