Ignasi Aballí, Pierre Clerk, Rodrigo Matheus, Saskia Noor van Imhoff, Kevin Rouillard, Vittorio Santoro - The Future is the Future

The gallery Thomas Bernard - Cortex Athletico is delighted to present the group show The Future is the Future, with works by Ignasi Aballí, Pierre Clerk, Saskia Noor van Imhoff, Rodrigo Matheus, Kevin Rouillard and Vittorio Santoro.

During this end of season, we wish to establish a dialogue between the works by artists of different generations and to open our exhibition program to new propositions.

The Future is the Future presages the exhibition of the beginning of the autumn term (opening on September 3, 2016) which celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the gallery. Entitled The Past is the Past, it will enable a return on numerous collaborations which have made the history of the gallery, starting from a small structure in Bordeaux to its moving to Paris.


Opening sponsored by Fondation d'entreprise Ricard.