Pierre Clerk, Andreas Fogarasi, Rolf Julius, Vincent Lamouroux, Benoît Maire, Charles Mason - « Il est si doux, parmi les désenchantements de la vie, de pouvoir se reporter en idée sur de nobles caractères, des affections pures et des tableaux de bonheur »

It is so soft, among the disillusionments of life, to have the possibility to refer in idea to noble characters,pure affections and paintings of happiness.

[ G. Flaubert / Madame Bovary ]


In 1987, for the exhibition « Tastes and Colors», the Château Giscours had invited the English artist Richard Deacon to present his work.

Today, Château Giscours invites the gallery Cortex Athletico with a new project presenting Vincent Lamouroux's works (a site specific work representing a cloud), a set of works by the British artist Charles Mason echoing the works by Deacon, the French artist Benoît Maire, Pierre Clerk an American, Andreas Fogarasi an Austrian, and the German artist Rolf Julius in the park.

The Château Giscours, which has been closed for a while, shelters a bas-relief by Jean Dunand ( 1877-1942 ), an allegory of the vineyard and its produce which adorned the cruise ship « Le Normandie ».
Jean Dunand took this boat on May 29th, 1935 to go to New York, from whence his work developed considerably, and launched him outside his province.

The worn guilding of this panel and its history, mirror the image of this reopened château and its romantic park, and recall certain images from the novel by Flaubert : «Madame Bovary, customs of province». In this work, Emma Rouault, whose vision of the existence is fervently lyrical, described her well-being  as such : « It is so soft, among the disillusionments of the life, to have the possibility to refer in idea to noble characters, pure affections and paintings of happiness.»

It is from this description, that the exhibition is articulated, proposing a meeting of works, which have as a common denominator the ability to reflect the space, in its transparency and its peace.